Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Design blog assignment

A couple of classmates have gotten together to create a class blog for character design since we won't be having a character design class past the first year and it's just started up this summer break. The first assignment being to create a character in Tim Burton's style, a monster or a monster Tim Burton style.

I'm a huge fan of Tim Burton's style and movies but have never really attempted to emulate either in any capacity until now. I hopped online and sketched out a few quick references...

And ended up with this...

I dunno if this is what I'll end up submitting for the blog but it's a start.

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Pan layout

The assignment was to create a three 12 field panning layout of anything we wanted. This doodle I did a year back was the genesis of my idea for this assignment...

Here's the rough...

Here's the clean up...

In the next day or so I hope to do a coloured version of the cleaned up drawing.

Layout madness!

Here are some of the earlier layouts I did in John Delaney's layout class in the second semester. I don't even think the first, Buzzard Gulch, wasn't even a marked assignment.
Here's a rough of my Metropolis layout...

Here's the clean up...

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Fat cat gangsters, bulldog goons and boxcar hopping hobos, oh my!

I came up with this wolf character while being inundated with Warner Bros cartoons inmy Animation history classin the first semester. He's some 1920-30's, boxcar-hopping , grifter, hobo wolf--what relevance this character may have today, I have no idea.

The thing is I've just kept drawing this character...

And now others are starting to grow out of the 1920-30's theme...

A fat cat gangster (hyuck, original I know) and his bulldog goon.

Like I said, I'm not exactly certain of where I'm going with it.

Some life drawing

Here's some of the life drawings I did in the 2nd semester that I included in my submission for the Bardel scholarship...

Mining for gold

So I'm sitting here digging through the rather sizeable box of stuff I brought home from school to find stuff to scan and post on my blog as well as potentially use for my submission portfolio's for a summer time job. The layout's are proving to be kind of a pain in the ass since I have to scan a portion of each one because of how small both of my scanners are, and then I'll have to whack 'em together in photoshop.

So in lue of anything substantial, here's an old painting of mine...