Anyhow, I went into town, bought some dvd-r's to put demo reel on, got home and got down to business. I downloaded Audacity, and in conjunction with Windows Movie Maker I was able to cobble together this...
MAH DEMO REEL! Yay, and there was much rejoicing!
I couldn't get the final video on to one of the dvd-r's I bought because that wasn't an option I could find in Window's Movie Maker (weird) and Nero wouldn't make a Video DVD with a wmv file. Luckily it fit just fine on to a cd-r I had.
Tomorrow the real work begins as I have to go through all of the assignments I did over the last semester, creating digital copies of them, going through all of the local studios sites to find out what they want in an applicants submission portfolio, putting together said portfolio and hitting up all the HR people.