One of the things that has held me back from actually creating a blog for the longest time would have to be just coming up with a name for the bloody thing. One that wasn't taken and one that didn't sound too stupid. I've at least succeeded in in coming up with something that wasn't taken.
Right now we've got a scholarship contest going on at school with one of the local animation studios and I'm trying to put together my final model pack for my character design class so I can use it as part of the portfolio submission. I've gotten the rough designs of all my characters done and could move on to the pose, expression and rotation sheets but I'm not entirely happy with the designs as is.
I've gone back to Ben Caldwell's Action Cartooning for inspiration yet again--his style is similar to Bruce Timm's without looking too much like Bruce Timm stuff, so it's a nice bridge from my typical comic book stuff to making designs that lend themselves extremely well to animation.
I'm trying to create a completely ludicrous superhero vibe, I don't have a title for the premise yet, but I've got the characters...

Right now we've got a scholarship contest going on at school with one of the local animation studios and I'm trying to put together my final model pack for my character design class so I can use it as part of the portfolio submission. I've gotten the rough designs of all my characters done and could move on to the pose, expression and rotation sheets but I'm not entirely happy with the designs as is.
I've gone back to Ben Caldwell's Action Cartooning for inspiration yet again--his style is similar to Bruce Timm's without looking too much like Bruce Timm stuff, so it's a nice bridge from my typical comic book stuff to making designs that lend themselves extremely well to animation.
I'm trying to create a completely ludicrous superhero vibe, I don't have a title for the premise yet, but I've got the characters...
Still a work in progress, but hey I've got like a week left...oh shit.
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